Stepfather arrested and sent to jail for killing child

The police have sent stepfather into jail on Monday after interrogation for killing step child in Barishal.
Earlier on Sunday (April 30) afternoon, the dead body of 5-year-old child Abir Islam Jihad was recovered by Kotwali Police Station of Barishal Metropolitan Police.
Deceased Abir Islam Jihad (5) and son of Al Amin Hawladar and Maryam Begum from Palashpur area in Ward No. 5 of Barishal city.
Anwar Hossain, officer in charge of Barishal Kotwali police station, said a murder case has been lodged by paternal grandmother of the child and police arresting his stepfather Milan Hawlader sent him to jail on Monday.
Police sources said, one year ago, Maryam Begum broke up her relationship with her day labourer husband Al Amin Hawladar.
After that, Al Amin Howladar worked as a day laborer in Dhaka and Maryam Begum lived separately with her son Jihad.
Then Maryam got married to Shafiq Hawlader’s son Milan Hawlader, a three-wheeler driver and resident of Adam Ali Haji Goli in Barishal city on April 21, 2023.
On Friday Maryam and Milon with their child stayed in a room at Baijid Residential Hotel on Band Road in the city opposite Barishal Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital.
Mother of the child claimed on Sunday morning child Jihad was found with injury signs on the head, hands and back while sleeping with mother. He was quickly taken to Barisal Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital. The doctor declared him dead after some time of treatment.
Later, the body of the child was taken to Maryam’s brother’s house located on Bhasani Road in Rupatali area of the city.
Police after receiving information recovering dead body of the child sent for post-mortem to Barishal SBMCH on Sunday afternoon.
Milan Howlader said Jihad was injured after falling from the stairs of the hotel on Sunday morning.
Mother Maryam Begum claimed she immediately informed the hotel manager about Jihad’s illness. He asked to take the child to the hospital, and the child was died declared as dead there.
However, hotel manager Ziaur Rahman said that he did not know anything about falling down of Jihad from the stairs.
Then child’s mother and stepfather have been taken into custody to solve the mystery of the child’s death and after hours long interrogation stepfather Milon was arrested af the case lodged by paternal grandmother of the murdered child.